I’m heading out on the road in a few minutes. I packed myself a lunch, have my gear all packed in Mazie (my Mazda5), laundry mostly done and the kitchen clean in our apartment, and my itinerary, ticket receipts, and driving directions printed out. Google Maps tells me I’ll be there in just over seven hours or so, and we’ll see how well that estimate works in the real world. In the meantime, here’s my tentative evening schedule for shows at the Chicago Improv Festival. I hope to make as many of the shows as possible, and I hope you only use this schedule for the purposes of good (i.e. come to my show) instead of evil (i.e. please don’t stalk me, it’s rude).
9:00pm – White Jazz @ Annoyance
10:30pm – Messing with a Friend (Susan Messing & Mick Napier) @ Annoyance
7:00pm – Impro Japan and The Wilhelm @ The Playground
9:00pm – Attilla and Sybil @ The Playground
10:30pm – Oui Be Negroes and Boom Chicago @ The Lakeshore Theatre
7:30pm – Johnny Lunchpail, Catnip, and 313 @ The Lakeshore Theatre
10:30pm – My show – The Uncle Ukulele Show (with Space Robbers and Rooster) @ Chemically Imbalanced Comedy Theatre
I’m pretty sure I’m going to drive all day and arrive just in time for the shows tonight and then go to bed, so expect an update tomorrow.