Welcome to our second contest at The Life Mosaic. This month’s prize:
Decisive: How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work by Chip and Dan Heath
I’ve decided to give up meat for Lent, going fully vegetarian for reasons theological, ethical, and health-related (in that order). The practice of giving up something for Lent is not one of the only things one can do in this time but it’s a good thing to try. For me, it’s part of a larger issue regarding how we deal with new ideas when they come to us and how we handle change in our lives. To this, Chip and Dan Heath have written two excellent books, Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die and Switch: How to Change When Change Is Hard. I’m a big fan of both books and now that their third, Decisive is slated to come out on March 26, I’ve reserved my copy and I’d like to send you one for free, too.
Let me and other readers know what you are doing for Lent in the comments below. Briefly name what you are giving up, practicing, changing, or trying to do more of / less of during the season of Lent (that’s now through Easter) and, of course, why. One lucky commenter will be randomly selected and receive a copy of Decisive on release day.
It doesn’t matter to me if you’re Christian or not, neither does it matter if you’ve been a Christian for a while but doing something like this for Lent is new to you (I didn’t do anything for Lent until I was in my 30s because it wasn’t a priority in my context growing up). What matters is you’ve decided to take this time for self-reflection and growth by doing something different. For me, that’s no meat. For you, it could mean giving up a favorite treat like chocolate or pop, or doing a daily devotional or other ritualistic daily practice, or putting a dollar in a jar every time someone in your home swears. Whatever you decide, know that by posting it here, you’ll be sharing your hope and we’ll share in your solidarity. If you see someone else who has a particularly inspiring idea or you want to know more, feel free to ask questions or offer kudos in a separate comment.
A winner will be announced in a new post on or about March 1, 2013 and retroactively announced here. I’ll send the winner an email and we’ll talk details on getting the book sent to you (print or electronic format – your choice). Also, if the winner has a blog or other social media outlet and would please make a post with a courtesy link to The Life Mosaic, I would appreciate it. In fact, if anyone wants to link to this contest to spread the word, I certainly won’t stop you.
Whether you win or not, I hope you read something by the Heath Brothers. Hey, they even have an online book for free, The Myth of the Garage and Other Minor Surprises, if you want a taste of their writing style.
Let’s see how far this spreads.
Rules (Subject to change, as I’m still new to this):
- Only comments made on this post between 12:01am on February 15, 2013 and 11:59pm on February 28, 2013 are eligible entries.
- One entry per person, per contest, thanks.
- Your comment must include what you’re doing for Lent and why. Example: I’ve decided to give up chocolate for Lent because I want to practice new habits that aren’t all about immediate gratification. – or – I’m reading for pleasure during Lent, even if it’s only ten minutes per day, because it’s time to have good books back in my busy life again.
- While Lent has its roots in Christian tradition, persons of all faith or non-faith can enter.
- Finally, while I appreciate we’re all hopefully being open to new things, I won’t moderate comments that are clearly meant to push my buttons (don’t bother posting something anti-religion or anti-gay, for example).
As an Amazon Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases. I get commissions for purchases made through links in this post.
2 thoughts on “Contest #2 Win the New Heath Brothers Book.”