Contest: Globalization at What Price?

Hey, gang. Nate here with an important informational message. I’ve decided to run a little contest here similar to my other blog about writing and creativity, The Scrawl (shameless plug, I know). Here’s the scoop…

One of our greatest struggles in returning home from the trip is how we will choose to actively help the Salvadorian pepole. One way we can do this is to help stop the unfortunate side effects of globalization and we need your help. Submit a comment on this post explaining one tangible way you can do your part to help put a stop to globalization. If you don’t know what I mean, take a look at my thoughts on reading the book Globalization at What Price? by Pamela K. Brubaker for some insight. It can be very small, very simple. Big movements begin with the tiniest steps. Don’t worry about being profound, just be practical. For example, maybe you’ll only buy fair trade coffee or be more selective in which stores you shop because they offer clothing not made by international sweatshop labor, or perhaps you’ll turn off the water while you’re in the shower when you lather. All of these things are tiny ways you can make a conscious decision to not let your US privilege come at the price of another’s life.

To enter, make your comment any time between now, 03.23.2010, and 11:59pm CST on the day of our return, 03.26.2010. While we appreciate your comments anywhere on our blog, only comments left on this post will be considered as an entry. And to sweeten the pot, so long as your comments are real ideas about what you can do to stop globalization (i.e. you’re not just typing gibberish to stuff the ballot box) you can enter as many times as you want. One lucky winner will be randomly selected to receive a free copy of Globalization at What Cost?

Whether you’re interested in the book or not I hope you’ll post a comment to spread ideas to others. The next step is harder but even more important – ACT UPON YOUR IDEA.

The contest is open, please comment away!


5 thoughts on “Contest: Globalization at What Price?”

  1. Lucky that I finally followed Kathie’s link to the trip blog on the anniversary of Archbishop Romero’s assassination (is that what they call it?). What a special day for your group.

    My idea for me: go to the OKC Farmers Market instead of my “Neighborhood Wal*Mart”. More time/planning/money will be my obstacles. But I’ll try it and see how it goes. And what a great time of year to start!

  2. I will help to stop globalization by supporting local food. I’ll be more aware of where my food is coming from, and how much return the actual farmers are getting from the money I pay. The easiest ways to do this will be by shopping my local farmers markets, and by utilizing my local CSAs and Co-ops!


  3. Hello blog readers,
    I have thought a lot about the things I could do to reduce the negative impact of globalization. I think as Americans the best thing we can do is to reduce our consumption of all resources as much as possible. I am an environmentalist and I follow the four Rs Reduce, Reuse, Renew, Recycle. The order was intentional when the slogan was created, follow that order when thinking about your consumption and your waste managment.

    As far as food goes we should try to eat as much local products as possible. Supporting the local economy and reducing the amount of carbon dioxide produced by moving food across the country. When we would like to eat the food that could never be produced locally it should be organic and fair trade and if possible certified by the Rainforest Alliance so that it is environmentally sustainable. When I choose my bananas they always have the fair trade sticker on them. If I were to drink coffee I would choose the Caribou Coffee that is certified by the Rainforest Alliance.

    When it comes to other things in my life like clothes and furniture etc. I do what I can to not buy new. Buying used allows me to get a good quality product and it is one less thing going to a landfill. By not buying something new I am reducing the demand for resources from other countries to make the product.

    Finally, I recycle as much as I can. Not just the regular stuff like paper, cans and bottles. Electronics are very important to recycle and they should be recycled properly. Electronics have so many heavy metals in them they are very toxic for the environment. To everybody reading, Como Zoo has a cell phone recycling program, if you have old cell phones lying around take them in there and put them in the box for recycling located in the Visitor Center. By recycling cell phones you can reduce the demand for a mineral called coltan that is only found in the Congo Rainforest area where there are a lot of endangered plants and animals. When you take the phones to Como the money they get from the phones is fully donated to the Orangutan Conservancy, helping both of the Great Ape species that are at Como the Gorillas (from the Congo) and the Orangutans.

    I’m not perfect, but this is how I have already started to reduce my impact on the negative effects of globalization.

    Have a safe trip back to Minnesota everybody. I look forward to seeing all sorts of good pictures.


  4. I will try to educate myself more on the fair trade act.
    I will read one of the books you suggested.
    Congratulations on your experience and passing on the word.


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