"Contests" Begins Tomorrow.

Tomorrow sees the first “Contest” at The Life Mosaic. Right now, the intention is for the feature to be three things:

  • A monthly feature at The Life Mosaic.
  • A method to connect our ideas and passions.
  • A way to spark helpful, collaborative dialogue.

This may fluctuate in the future but for now, anticipate the above recipe.
Face it, giving stuff away is fun. As I examine the different pieces that make up my mosaic, I realize most of the ideas I’m most passionate about were given to me by someone else. Rarely do I come up with life-changing revelations or discover new favorite media or better understand the world I live in all on my own in a vacuum. Somewhere along the line, I was shaped by someone sharing with me in a caring, unobtrusive way. It’s my hope through contests, I can spread some of the fresh perspectives I’ve come to embrace to readers here who are open to it.
I foresee contests as starting on the fifteenth of each month of 2013 and ending on the last day of the month. So that’s around two weeks for people to enter each contest and spread the word to their friends. Unless I come up with a better option (or you have a better idea to offer me) the method of entry is likely going to be commenting on the official contest post and then I’ll randomly select a winner from those comments. Occasionally, there may be a contest which is more merit-based instead of random but I’m not sure what that would look like, yet. Prizes will likely be small but good. Some of my favorite books, gift cards to a favorite service or shopping location, donations to charitable organizations, original creative work, and so on.
If contests keep you reading and interacting at The Life Mosaic, awesome.
If contests enable me to pass along some of what makes me a mosaic, awesome.
If contests are just plain fun, well, that’s pretty awesome, too.

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