Last night’s flight on Frontier Airlines into Denver went without a hitch, which is approximately 1700 less hitches than the last time we flew Frontier (our honeymoon) and ended up in Denver (unexpected) and its airport (overnight, on the floor). We picked up our rental car, a 2007 Dodge Charger, and headed to out to crash at my friends’, Carl and Frank. Carl Wedell hosted the Improv Hootenanny at the Bovine Metropolis Theater for years and only just recently bowed out to start grad school, while Frank Haas is tech director at the Bovine. Already, it’s been cool running into pepole from the past and talking about old times.
See, when I lived in Cheyenne, Wyoming for three years, Rick Simineo and I brought our improv duo, Puny Humans, down to Denver every once in a while between 2004-2005 for the Improv Hootenanny (Denver’s equivalent of Minneapolis’s Improv A Go-Go at the Brave New Workshop). Carl was our point person for performances and I so dig on seeing “blasts from the past.” Rick and I performed at the inaugural Denver Improv Festival, and it’s cool to be back for this, the fourth year of the festival.
A quick note – we’re not a fan of the Dodge Charger. Silly me decided a full-size car at the same price as a mid-size car would be a good idea. Not so much. First of all, it’s sucking gas like a little kid slurping away at the striped straw stuck in his first milkshake – gleefully and as fast as possible. Second, it’s unresponsive. I have to really push on the gas to go, so precision parallel parking is not super fun. Finally, it’s unwieldy. The front is huge, the trunk is a monster, and it’s difficult to determine its footprint when merging. It’s everything that’s the opposite of my new Mazda5 (I’ll have to make my new vehicle a Friday Recommendation soon ’cause I looooove it!).
We aren’t catching the Denver Improv Festival youth showcases tonight, because today we head down to Colorado Springs for the sites and fun with relatives.