For those out there struggling with taking the time to sit down and write a Scrawl, this story was written in 5-10 minutes. One of the most convenient techniques for Scrawling is to use the form called flash fiction. Just jot something down. Don’t worry about all the details, structure, or even the storyline. Just jot something.
In the future, when revisions are offered at Scrawlers, you could actually post that story right off. For now, and in the future if you prefer, it would probably be good to go through an editing process on your own. As you learn how to self edit, you can catch grammar and structural errrors as well as story-telling problems. One great helper in this process is reading the story out load.
Flash fiction is an excellent way to hone your writing skills. It’s an excellent way to generate ideas. It should also help you relate brevity to speed. Even when you have to write something more substantial, this excercise will help you to internalize the attributes that make for great writing.
(Note: I realize I’m not being completely true to the definition of flash fiction. But this is how I’ve learned to use the concept.)
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