Holy Land 2015 | There and Back Again!

This boat ride on the Sea of Galilee is sure to be one of the highlights of my journey.
This boat ride on the Sea of Galilee is sure to be one of the highlights of my journey.

Dear reader, I am home and safe and sound. I have a handful of posts to finish up from my Holy Land journey and they’ll be posted over the next few days. In the meantime, I want to let you know I’m here in Minneapolis with a mixture of physical and emotional feelings. Also, don’t forget to enter my contest to be one of three lucky commenters to win a carved olive wood necklace. Read the rules and enter here by midnight on Sunday, January 18.
To all my new readers and subscribers, and to all my tried and true dear readers, thank you for walking the Holy Land with me. More to come…

4 thoughts on “Holy Land 2015 | There and Back Again!”

  1. I had not realized previous that there was one Greek word for both sea and lake. I also learned that Internet access is often difficult in the Holy Land.


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