I am everyday people.

I’m going to write (at least) one short story and give a note to (at least) one short story a day through the rest of the month here at Scrawlers. It’s something I’ve been meaning to do, something I should have been doing. One of my pet peeves in a regular writing workshop is when someone doesn’t actively participate, and thus I’ve become what I do not like. So to that, I will try a change and see what comes of it.

Writing here every day shouldn’t be hard, so long as I put in the time. See, I write my Scrawlers stories as flash fiction, for the most part. It seems easiest when staring at a blank screen which asks me for one-hundred words. Something pops in my head, an image, a line, a mood, and I let that inform the piece. Mood is most interesting to me; one can tell what sort of mood I’m in when I write a Scrawlers piece. My work here has gone from melancholy to outright silly. And that’s fiction. Versatile, versatile fiction.

Off to read a little of Elmore Leonard’s latest. Later, I’ll head out for the midnight show. Tomorrow morning calls for more research and of course, a Scrawlers post or two…


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