I’m almost in the Fringe Festival.

The Minnesota Fringe Festival is one of the largest theater festivals on the continent and it’s awesome. I’m also very, very close to being a part of that awesomeness this year.

It’s a non-juried festival and they have so many applicants they end up holding a lottery. It’s truly luck of the draw to get a show in and in my time of applying every year since 2005, I’ve ended up on the waiting list. The best place I was in was somewhere in the mid-60s and worked my way down to the mid-30s. This year’s lottery happened last night and in terms of my track record it is no exception, in that I’m yet again on the waiting list but there’s a great big difference this year.

I’m number one on the waiting list.

In a lot of ways, it means I’m essentially in the festival. At least one company is bound to bow out and I’m excited to receive the call. That said, I’m in producer mode and yet don’t want to count those chickens before they hatch and what-not. So until I get the call, I’ll be content with the grin on my face when I read the results of the waiting list and watch the lottery video (7:30 minute mark). Thanks, too, for everyone who clapped and cheered when they announced my name. I wasn’t there so I don’t know who it was but thanks all the same.

I’ll keep you updated. Hopefully, for the next few months! 🙂


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