Today’s my first day teaching English at Normandale Community College in Bloomington, MN. I have three courses this semester, two composition and one English for academic purposes. That means I get to build on skills I’ve been using and honing the last two years plus diving into some new experiences and seeing what happens, too. On top of gaining overall teaching experience, the classes certainly are a resume builder, too – more teaching experience at a community college setting, teaching ESL students, and teaching online. So there’s definitely a challenge aspect here and more often than not, that’s an effective fuel for my creative fire.
Last week saw me busy putting finishing touches on syllabi, creating new lesson plans, and working on a manageable schedule to balance my new teaching duties with my current job at Excelsior UMC, not to mention speaking with Kelly so we have balance in our new marriage! I also did the whole meet-and-greet in the English department and paperwork pile in HR. People have been really welcoming and willing to help; I’m really getting a great teamwork vibe. It’s also nice to see familiar faces from my days at MSU – the super-cool Kris Bigalk and the super-awesome Kassie Duthie – and I’ve finally met MSU alumn, proven writer, and all-around nice guy, Thomas Maltman. There’s something to be said about working with colleagues who have a shared educational experience.
I’ll let you know how the first week goes, dear reader. Next week: the return of Your Monday Prompt and a few new surprises…