Day 11 of NaNoWriMo has arrived and these numbers do not bode well:
Goal NaNoWriMo Word Count: 18,333/50,000 (36.6%)
Actual NaNoWriMo Word Count: 2,338/50,000 (4.7%)
Word Count Difference: -15,995
Writing Sessions: 2
My Story: Inching forward, but wow, what a start!
My Outlook: Optimism is not my strongest emotion right now.
Essay and test grading, as well as a few personal and work meetings and my trip to the Denver Improv Festival may have culminated this week in order to spell certain doom to this novel writing month. Can I eek out the word count I need? Let’s see what my update looks like tonight…
HEY: If you’re attempting NaNoWriMo this year, feel free to post your own update in the comments section. You can use my format or invent your own.
ALSO: If you wanna buddy up, I’m on NaNoWriMo here.
I’m at 28,477 at the moment, expecting to hit 30,000 tonight.
That means with 2 kids under 4 years old who don’t have the best sleep habits, I’ve managed to average 2700 or so a days….
If you can hit that average for the next 29 days, you’ll make the nano goal…. don’t lose faith.
Keep going! You can do it!!
Aww, you can do it! I have faith in you! I didn’t write the first weekend myself, but I managed to catch up and even pull ahead. Hopefully, you’ll do the same. I’m rooting for you!
Don’t lose hope! And I love the Monday Prompts. I hope you keep them up. ^_^
Is that your real novel idea? Because, I love the idea of it LOL.