NaNoWriMo – Day 4, part I

I’ve only had two time slots in the last three days I’ve been able to commit myself to writing for NaNoWriMo. Today is day 4, but since it’s early, we’ll have a part II post at the end of the day detailing my progress, if any. I plan to update you on my progress regularly throughout the month with the following stats which have been updated as of this morning:

Goal NaNoWriMo Word Count: 4,998/50,000 (9.9%)

Actual NaNoWriMo Word Count: 2,338/50,000 (4.7%)

Word Count Difference: -2,660

Writing Sessions: 2

My Story: Starting out strong!

My Outlook: It’s early, so I’m optimistic.

I’m hoping to squeeze some writing in today after I grade a ton of essays, grade a ton of tests, spend time at work, practice my ukulele for this weekend’s show at the Denver Improv Festival, and vote. Something tells me I’m still going to be running at a deficit…


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