I’ll be blogging about my Holy Land pilgrimage this and next week. Just a quick note from the airport to say thank you much for following my blog. Two quick photos and a few notes to kick things off:
1. I am not Holy Land expert! I’ll do my best to be honest, complete, and even-handed as I learn and experience on this journey. The politics of the past and present in this place sacred to so many is
complex and varied. I likely misspeak, miss something or even be wrong. Your grace is appreciated.
2. Thank you in advance comments. I hope this can be a dialogue in a way and encourage you to participate as much as you can over the next ten days.
3. I’ll blog as I’m able. Who know where the itinerary, and wifi access, take me this week?! On past mission trips or global justice trips, I was able to blog every day. I hope I can this time, too. At The VERY least, I’ll do my best to take good notes throughout the journey.
4. The views expressed in this blog are mine. I don’t speak for my fellow travellers, my tour, nor am I God’s personal stenographer.
5. Please pray for me and my family. This journey will be an amazing one and your prayers for me and my loved ones at home is appreciated, friends.
See you soon
Will be very interesting to hear whatever you share, Nate. Prayers are with you and your familyl
On behalf of my family, Lorelei, thank you. Missing them!
Blessings and prayers go with you! Please take a photo of the group, when you can and let us know who is traveling with you. Greetings to Guy and Gail Sederski, please (from me and Scott–tell Guy “Paul” says hello–and from Darby–Gail was Darby’s Confirmation mentor). They are members of Stillwater First UMC.
I’m on the same bus as Guy and Gail and we’ve chatted quite a bit. Just wait until you see the olive wood carving Guy purchased. Well, you will have to wait, because it’s big enough he has to have it shipped to the US, but WOW!