Organizing my home office

I’ve been working on my home office today, trying to get it organized, cleaned up, and otherwise comfortable for better creative times. I’m not surprised by how easy it is for me to let my office pile up with clutter – mostly paper – but I’m not excited by how long I let it stay the way it is. Either way, a change is in order and I think this is exactly what I need to get myself excited to do some writing (yeah, yeah, spending time cleaning my office may seem like I’m avoiding getting my writing done, but trust me, I do a lot better in a clean environment).

So here’s my plan. When I feel like my office is ready for public display, I’ll post a few photos here for your perousal. Sorry, don’t expect any photos of what it looks like in its current state; I’m way too embarrassed (and please, think of my poor, dear wife and her embarrassment!). Instead, I’ll do this: I will post photos of my office once a week for four weeks so we can all see whether or not I can maintain a clean home office. Maybe this will force me to keep it cleaner than I normally would, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

Expect the first photos to go up early next week…


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