Scrawlers has taken a little while to click with the Interweb. July has seen the site start catching on a little bit, however. The timing is decent as Scrawlers is now in a state where the functionality in place works pretty well. There are certainly features that we are dying to provide, and hopefully you will see those sooner than later.
I thought I’d take the time to do a little comparison of statistics between June and July.
In June:
* 111 visitors
* 248 visits
* 1,079 pageviews
* 4.35 pageviews/visit
* 5:05 average time on site
* 37.5% new visits
* 12 countries and territories visited
* Top 5 countries: United States, Canada, South Korea, Germany, United Kingdom
* 38% used Internet Explorer
* 35% used Firefox
* 65% used Windows
* 33% used Mac (mostly me, I suspect)
* Google was the biggest referrer
* “Nathan Melcher” was the most frequent search term
In July:
* 1,358 visitors
* 1,736 visits
* 5,109 pageviews
* 2.94 pageviews/visit
* 3:38 average time on site
* 77.48% new visits
* 59 countries and territories visited
* Top 5 countries: United States, United Kingdom, Canada, India, Australia/Netherlands
* 82% used Firefox (I attribute this to the StumbleUpon extension for Firefox)
* 8% used Internet Explorer
* 75% used Windows
* 21% used Mac
* [StumbleUpon!]( was the biggest referrer, accounting for 64% of visits and 95% of new visits
* “scrawlers” was the most frequent search term
In all, we’re pleased to see a near thirteen-fold increase in visitors. Not a lot of the StumbleUpon! visitors are sticking around, but at least they are helping to get the word out by giving us a “thumbs up.” This non-creative-writing traffic has lead to a dip on the pageviews/visit and average time on the site, but I still think those numbers are pretty decent compared to those of the general Internet.
Our biggest problem is that we are very hard to find through search engines. No one looking for a creative writing outlet or an online writing workshop is going to find us through a search engine. This blog is one thing that seeks to change the math, of course.
In all, it has been an exiting month here at Scrawlers. We’ve seen [some]( [excellent]( [new]( [writers]( [join]( [our]( ranks. We are very excited to find where the next months lead.
I’d be remiss if I did not think the StumbleUpon user who first submitted Scrawlers to the site. Her name is [onyxstone](, and she’s a 15-year-old from São Tomé and Príncipe. Yes, [that São Tomé and Príncipe](
[tags]writing workshop, creative writing[/tags]
He’s so proud, folks. 😉