Barry and I thank you for reading.
UMCOR is the United Methodist Committee On Relief and an organization I know and trust. Both the mission trip I did in Texas in 2008 and the mission trip I did in Iowa in 2009 were groups that worked through UMCOR and I was impressed by their professionalism, their efficiency, and their ability to organize volunteers to do real hands-on work. Even more importantly, they genuinely care about the people they’re helping. Make your donation count 200% when you join Barry and me in supporting UMCOR’s Haiti relief.
Scrawlers will match our readers’ total donations to UMCOR, dollar-for-dollar, up to $200. Together, we can raise up to $400 to help people in immediate dire need. If you haven’t donated yet, here’s a great way to get started. If you’ve already donated, amazing, we’re hoping you can give just a little bit more. Remember, every little bit helps. We’ll even sweeten the deal: one random donor will receive a $10 gift card.
Here’s how to participate in the Scrawlers dollar-for-dollar Haiti relief fund:
1. Click thru to the UMCOR donation website.
2. Make your donation in any amount. UMCOR is a registered 501(c)(3) charity. All gifts are tax deductible.
3. Let us know you donated to UMCOR by leaving a comment on this blog post with the amount you donated. We’re using the honor system on this one, so play nice. (Note: If you’re reading this on our Facebook note feed, PLEASE be sure to make your comment at the blog, not Facebook. Cool? Cool.)
This opportunity ends on January 31, 2010 at 11:59pm CST or when readers donate $200 total, whichever comes first. On February 1, we’ll randomly select and announce the winner of a $10 gift card (one entry per person, the amount you donate has no impact on your chances of winning the gift card).
Help Haiti Now, Help Haiti Later
The most important thing to keep in mind about Haiti relief, or any relief effort, is the help these people will need in the years to come. For example, the Texas mission trip I did in 2008 was to help repair homes damaged by Hurricane Rita in 2005 – three years before we got there. I remember being overwhelmed by how much work was still left to be done and how much remains. I can’t imagine what Haiti’s going to need come one, five, even ten years from now. Let your donations of time and money continue long past this moment of initial attention.
Can’t Donate Money? Donate Time Through “Feed My Starving Children”
We know not everyone can give money right now so here’s an easy and fun way to give your time. If you’re in the Twin Cities or Chicago metro areas, we encourage you to give your time to Feed My Starving Children. This organization asks volunteers to package well-balanced meals that go out to people in need in over sixty countries, including their number one mission site – Haiti. They have one million meals on the ground in Haiti and hope to get another three million there as soon as possible. I’ve volunteered at FMSC several times with my youth group and it’s both touching and really fun.
This is an experiment.
Last thing. This moment of philanthropy is an experiment, one we’re hopeful about. There’s potential for more opportunities like this and we hope you’ll continue to support Scrawlers as we try giving time, attention, and a little cash to causes we care about. Keep your creative spark alive at Scrawlers and we hope to hear from you this month.
Nate Melcher and Barry Hess co-founders