Staring tomorrow, join us for a nine-part series on how to successfully apply to a Creative Writing MFA program.
Expect daily posts featuring my thoughts on what to consider when deciding whether to apply, how to prepare yourself mentally to read and write hardcore for two or three years, organizing your application process, references, visiting grad schools, sending off your application(s), what the waiting game is like, the acceptance process, and my own personal story on how I entered my current MFA program. Posts will also contain at least one “action item” you can work on that day to bring yourself one step closer to getting your application out the door. This series will take us through the rest of 2007, save for breaks for our the regularly-scheduled “Your Monday Prompt” feature.
This series may be a smidgen late to be as helpful as I’d like it to be, as application deadlines for MFA programs kicking off in the fall of 2008 are right around the corner (some have passed, already). You should already have your application process well under way if you’re looking ahead to next year, but while we’re cutting it close there’s no reason not to toss out a few tips and ideas. I can only tell you what worked and didn’t work for me in my application process back in 2004/2005, and your questions, experience, and tips are welcomed over email and in the comments section.
Tomorrow we’ll ask ourselves if we’re truly ready for the time, monetary, and mental commitment needed for a Creative Writing MFA.
[tags]mfa application, creative writing mfa, grad school application[/tags]