Share stories with friends

A new feature released today at [Scrawlers]( is the ability to share 100-word stories with friends. You must be logged in to share a story. Simply click into the story’s page. Beneath the list of story tags, you’ll see an entry field with a “Send To Friend” button. Simply enter one or more email addresses, separated by spaces or commas, and an email will be sent to your pals.

The resulting email, sent separately to each of your friends, looks something like this:

> Scrawlers writer Barry ( would like to share this 100-word story with you.
> “Palm Reader” by Mornara
> To read the story, please click below:
> To read what Barry has been writing, visit:
> Thank you!
> The Scrawlers Team

Notice this is one place where your email address will be shared, but only with your friends.

[tags]writing workshop, creative writing[/tags]

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