Lots of great stuff this week!
1. Girls + Science = Awesome.
A young woman in 7th grade named Melody Green did a science project experiment on the effects of air pressure and temperature on altitude. Obviously, this means there should be a homemade “rocket” with Hello Kitty as the pilot, all filmed by four GoPro cameras. I love science, I love young women who achieve amazing things, and I think I am slowly falling in love with the GoPro camera and cameras like it. Watch this video and tell me you don’t want to do everything in your power to either empower more young women to do something wonderful (or at the very least, merely create no barrier to them).
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5REsCTG4-Gg&w=560&h=315]
2. I Found Two Trees for the Price of One.
After I saw this “Poetree” (Poet + Tree = Poetree) on funny list of the 30 Most ‘Portland’ Things That have Ever Happened in Portland as #23…
…I thought it was brilliant and want to make one, too. I wondered if anyone else has done this and if there are tips on making one – surely such a genius idea cannot only be nailed to one tree in Portland – and in Google image searching “poetree” I came across the
Ever bought a CD at Amazon? It's in Your Cloud Now, and For Free.
Now this is cool.
Today Amazon announced AutoRip, a new, although inevitable, feature of their Cloud. Whenever you buy a CD it’s content is now automatically ripped to your Amazon Cloud Player. For free. Oh, and it’s not CDs you buy at Amazon as of today. It’s any CD you’ve bought at Amazon since 1999. Fifteen years’ worth of music purchases, now all automatically in your cloud for free. No more spending time putting the CD into the computer, labeling tracks, hoping the rip goes through okay, loading the songs onto your portable device, etc. No more of that, ever. Amazon has just paid your opportunity cost in exchange for your purchase; it’s like opportunity “cash back.”
Music and movies have taken opposite purchasing paths. With movies, physical media is still the big seller and digital copies of the film for download or streaming are
“War of Art” for two bucks.
Steven Pressfield announced the eBook version of his excellent, inspiring, and challenging book on creativity The War of Art will be on sale next week, October 20 and 21, for only $1.99. He’s working with a company called FastPencil to get the job done (while Amazon reported they sold more Kindle books than hardcover books … Read more
Scrawlers will match your Haiti relief donation
Barry and I thank you for reading. UMCOR is the United Methodist Committee On Relief and an organization I know and trust. Both the mission trip I did in Texas in 2008 and the mission trip I did in Iowa in 2009 were groups that worked through UMCOR and I was impressed by their professionalism, … Read more