I created fifteen original (slightly inappropriate) 100-word short stories based on Christmas greeting cards and I’m sharing one per day between today and January 6. For this creative exercise, I chose to embrace three constraints:
1.Stories had to be based on the greeting card. Both should be able to stand on their own while also enhancing each other. I found
Elmore Leonard answers my questions
Last week, Elmore Leonard answered reader questions at the Barnes & Noble Center Stage, a message board thread in which prominent writers are given an opportunity to interact with fans. I’ve read a lot about Leonard’s approach to writing, thoughts on writers, and so on that it took me a little while to think of … Read more
Your Friday Recommendation #25
Due to a hectic schedule this week, I’m only one-third of the way through Neil Gaiman’s latest, The Graveyard Book, yet I feel pretty confident recommending it. A toddler who comes to be named Nobody Owens wanders out of his home and into a graveyard on the night his family is slain by a mysterious … Read more
Browsing books in the store
I was in Walgreens this week waiting for my photos and wandered around the store for a while as the technician tried to fix the photo development machinery. Try as he might, he couldn’t fix the machine but my time spent waiting ended up with me doing something I haven’t done in a long time … Read more
Applying to an MFA program VIII: Who picks who?
Welcome to part VIII of our “Applying to a Creative Writing MFA program” series. Yesterday, we tried to find ways to make our time productive as we play the waiting game. Today, we examine how to choose the MFA program we want. If you play your cards right, you’re going to end up being the … Read more
Applying to an MFA program VII: The waiting game.
Welcome to part VII of our “Applying to a Creative Writing MFA program” series. Yesterday, we sent off our application(s). Today we make our time productive as we play the waiting game. One reason you might have for entering an MFA program instead of writing on your own is to create formal structure around your … Read more
Applying to an MFA program VI: It’s in the mail!
Welcome to part VI of our “Applying to a Creative Writing MFA program” series. Yesterday, we had a word on why visiting grad schools is worth your time, effort, and money. Today we send off our application(s)! You’ve been drafting your personalized letter of intent, tweaking your resume and vita, plunking down cash for transcripts, … Read more
Applying to an MFA program V: Visting grad schools.
Welcome to part V of our “Applying to a Creative Writing MFA program” series. Yesterday, we examined strategies of building our reference pool. Today we have a word on why visiting grad schools is worth your time, effort, and money. It’s probably been a while since the college visits you took during high school, and … Read more
Applying to an MFA program IV: Building references.
Welcome to part IV of our “Applying to a Creative Writing MFA program” series. Yesterday, we looked at the importance of organizing the application process to save our sanity. Today we examine strategies of building our reference pool. They say it’s all who you know, and the reference process is no different. Even in an … Read more
Applying to an MFA program III: Preparing paperwork.
Welcome to part III of our “Applying to a Creative Writing MFA program” series. Yesterday, we looked at steps we can take to prepare ourselves for a write-every-day / ready-every-day MFA lifestyle. Today we look at the importance of organizing the application process to save our sanity. Every MFA program has a slightly different application … Read more