Welcome to our second contest at The Life Mosaic. This month’s prize:
Decisive: How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work by Chip and Dan Heath
I’ve decided to give up meat for Lent, going fully vegetarian for reasons theological, ethical, and health-related (in that order). The practice of giving up something for Lent is not one of the only things one can do in this time but it’s a good thing to try. For me, it’s part of a larger issue regarding how we deal with new ideas when they come to us and how we handle change in our lives. To this, Chip and Dan Heath have written two excellent books, Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die and Switch: How to Change When Change Is Hard. I’m a big fan of both books and now that their third, Decisive is slated to come out on March 26, I’ve reserved my copy and I’d like to send you one for free, too.
Let me and other readers know what you are doing for Lent in the comments below. Briefly name what you are