Ten favorite blog entries from 2007.

Without intended order, here are ten of my favorite posts at this blog from the past year:

Dust off your forgotten, unfinished writing. – In which I remember an old story I want to revisit.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Story Notes. – What makes workshop notes great and what makes them less than great (and really terrible).

“You words are dead to me,” I (something besides said). – Me vs. the North Carolina education system.

Discovering niche reading/writing websites: LibraryThing. – A post with my initial reaction of a website I now use every day.

Picking and choosing good writing tools. – In which I stumble upon, and comment upon, some tips by Roy Thomas Clark.

Saving ideas and surprising yourself. – Details on how two long-dormant ideas finally came together in one new story.

Poetry can be a gateway to getting prose. – Discovering how poetry language works can really boost your level of prose.

The secret formula’s written on a receipt. – A plea to young writers to always be prepared to scrawl down story ideas.

Why The Road deserves its Pulitzer. – My immediate reaction to reading the latest by Cormac McCarthy.

Scrawlers welcomes RSS. – Some of my favorite people in the world are my subscribers, and that’s you, dear reader. Thank you for reading in 2007 and I look forward to our time together in 2008.


[tags]top ten posts, favorite blog, North Carolina education system[/tags]

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