Too late, I considered the plug power of this blog. That means I failed to plug my three-show run at Improv A Go-Go, which just ended last night. However, I am in time to plug my upcoming three-show run at the Monday Night Comedy Show beginning tonight. Basic information for you:
03.03.08 – Uncle Ukulele (solo improv) @ Monday Night Comedy Show, 8:00pm, $3
The Beat Coffee House – 1414 W 28th St. Minneapolis, MN 55408 (map)
03.10.08 – Uncle Ukulele (solo improv) @ Monday Night Comedy Show, 8:00pm, $3
The Beat Coffee House – 1414 W 28th St. Minneapolis, MN 55408 (map)
One of my improv students does his great magic act this night, too.
03.17.08 – Uncle Ukulele (solo improv) @ Monday Night Comedy Show, 8:00pm, $3
The Beat Coffee House – 1414 W 28th St. Minneapolis, MN 55408 (map)
I hope to see you there, dear reader, and my contributions to this blog will get back to a regular schedule soon. In the meantime, enjoy a few posts by Barry Hess about the latest features at He’s been busy tweaking and adjusting the site to make it better than ever.