TWoNF – 100-character bio

Perhaps the smallest change made over the past few weeks is the new 100-character bio. If you thought 100-words was limiting, try 100-characters. This is especially constraining when talking about oneself!

It’s easy to setup your 100-character bio. Just visit your bookshelf, where Scrawlers lays in wait, luring you to personalize your biography. Click the link. You know you want to.

Infuse some humor into your bio.

Or make it a little descriptive.

Just don’t write more than 100 characters!

If you wish to change your 100-character bio later, visit your bookshelf, click on “Manage Account” and then click on “Update profile.”

As consumers of the Internet, we at Scrawlers have been inundated with social networks and their inherent personalization options. Not surprisingly we’ve grown tired of the constant maintenance of our own accounts across the ‘Net. This explains why you find Scrawlers taking baby steps to [Web 2.0]( Rather than giving you every personalization option under the sun, we’re choosing to stick with our own brand of customization, which will hopefully lead Scrawlers to smell pleasantly different than those other communities.

“The Week of New Features” has come and gone. We enjoyed highlighting a few of the recent goings-on at Scrawlers. Rest assured there is more to come. [Subscribe to The Scrawl]( to catch every new [announcement]( as well as [Nate’s excellent thoughts on writing](

**Note**: Maintaining a profile at Scrawlers requires that you [sign up]( or [login](

If you have any comments on this new feature, please [email us](

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