Does a story at Scrawlers tickle your funny bone, scare you, make you wonder, or even make you cry? Maybe a particular story brought with it an excellent workshopping experience? Mark it as a favorite and never lose track of the words.
Every story, save for the ones you have written, will include a link in the tool section at the end of the story. Just click “Favorite this story”:
If later you decide the story is no longer your cup of tea, simply click the little “x” to remove it from your favorite list:
Now if you look at the [dedicated story page](, you can see all scrawlers who are fans of the story:
If another scrawler is a fan of a story you like, maybe visiting [his bookshelf]( will lead you to other interesting stories. To visit the bookshelf of any scrawler, simply click on her name, whether you see at on a byline, in a notes section or in the sidebar.
Look at the sidebar on a scrawler’s bookshelf to see what stories he enjoyed:
You may notice that I have a list of favorite authors on my bookshelf. I’ll tell you more about that new feature tomorrow.
**Note**: Story favoriting requires that you [sign up]( or [login]( to Scrawlers.
If you have any comments on this new feature, please [email us](
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