What I will write in 2008.

Knowing what you want to accomplish is the first step in goal-setting. I’ve never been one who has merely one project going, preferring to journey into several directions. This approach doesn’t help me finish projects in a timely manner, but it keeps my ideas flowing and my brain busy. This year, I have projects to finish and new projects to start, and I’m setting deadlines for them, as well.

In regards to works-in-progress (five):

– Complete my thesis by March 15.

– Finish my first novel by August 1.

– Explore my second novel all year, but have a first draft completed by December 31.

– Finish the first of two unfinished screenplays by August 1.

– Finish the second of two unfinished screenplays by December 31.

In regards to new ongoing projects (five):

– Write three new Scrawlers stories a week.

– Comment on five Scrawlers stories a week.

– Begin a regular podcast by Feb. 29.

– Blog four times a week: a Monday Prompt, a Friday Something (you’ll see…), and two more posts per week. I may end up blogging only three times a week, but we’ll see.

– Keep my office clean and organized! This isn’t writing, but it will certainly help my writing.

In regards to 100% new projects (five)

– Write a procedures manual for my job by April 1.

– Write a play by April 1. Produce it by December 31.

– Explore the OHMN! project year-round.

– Start one new screenplay after August 1.

– Write something completely new!

I have a mix of MFA deadlines, self-imposed deadlines, and freedom to allow my creativity to flow. Fifteen projects stare me in the face this year, and I am determined to make them happen. Decide what you want to accomplish this year and get to work. Make a list of project goals. Break them down even further into tangible steps. Post them online or give them to someone so you’re beholden to someone. See what you can do when you dedicate yourself to something which excites you – writing.


[tags]goal setting, writing deadlines, write in 2008[/tags]

2 thoughts on “What I will write in 2008.”

  1. I believe we orbit in the same galaxy, even if I never met ya! Although, I feel I should…I do improv at BNW. On the side, I try to do creative projects, yet they never liftoff! This, my friend, is a great prompt to get myself off my creative duff and start doing something! Thanks for the push. Someday I hope we meet and chum it up!


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